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Вопросы про Манаус, Бразилия

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#1 123321176


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Отправлено 10 мая 2012 - 00:08

господа,доброго времени суток..созрел вопрос.

в июле буду в бразилии,планирую посетить манаус..интересует..возможно ли по прилёту туда,найти в конторе какой-нибудь,шарящего человека...для вылазки с ним в поход,в джунгли??

интересуют ещё эксурсы,туры по амазонке реке.

пс-иже все о манаусе и том крае.

псс-заранее благодарствую

#2 Torchon


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Отправлено 25 мая 2012 - 14:19



возможно ли по прилёту туда,найти в конторе какой-нибудь,шарящего человека...для вылазки с ним в поход,в джунгли??

Ещё как. Тысячи их.


интересуют ещё эксурсы,туры по амазонке реке

Смотри пункт №1.

Стоит понимать, что как и во всяком туристическом месте, в Манаусе огромное кол-во шарашкиных контор и "шарящих" людей, готовых показать вам дохлого Какаду и замученного индейца под пальмой за баснословное кол-во реалов. Би кефул.


иже все о манаусе и том крае

"Lonely Planet - South America on a Shoestring 10th Edition, 2007" подойдёт?
Если да, вот глава про Манаус (про туры в джунгли выделено жирно: "AROUND MANAUS
Jungle Trips").

Пардон, файл прикрепить не получилось.

%0xx92 / pop 1.67 million
There’s something alluring about Manaus,
probably its remote setting deep in the mythical
Amazon rainforest. The reality however is
pretty unromantic. Aside from a few remnants
of its late 19th-century, ‘Paris of the Tropics’,
rubber-boom days, Manaus’ urban landscape
is pretty unattractive. But if you’re planning
a jungle trip, this is the starting point. If you
can spend your time here tripping out on
the fact that Manaus is an international port
some 1500km from the sea, and the materials
that constructed it traveled here by slow boat,
you’ll be better off. For information on jungle
trips and lodges, see p393 .
The area south of the Teatro Amazonas, and
encircled by a U-shape created by Av Epaminondas,
Av Floriano Peixoto and Av Getúlio
Vargas, is a noisy commercial district that is
busy by day and deserted at night and on Sun-
Book accommodations online at lonelyplanet.com

The airport is 13km north of the center. Bus
306 ‘Aeroporto Centro’ (US90ў, 30 minutes)
runs roughly every half hour until 11pm.
Taxis are set at US$21, but can be cheaper
from the airport bus stop.
The bus station is 6km north of the
center and is a short walk from main bus
routes. From the station cross the footbridge
out front, walk with traffic to the closest
bus stop and take one of the buses listed
under ‘Centro’ on the stop’s sign. A taxi
costs US$10.

days (save for the plazas). The area between
Rua dos Andradas and the river is much the
same. The Praça da Matriz is seedy at night.
The Zona Franca is less seedy but still a pretty
undesirable area. The Teatro Amazonas’ immediate
surroundings are slightly upscale.
Politur (%3231-1998; CAT, Av Eduardo Ribeiro)
Aca On-Line (Rua Guilherme Moreira; per hr
US$1.50; a)
Amazon Cyber Café (cnr Rua Getúlio Vargas &10 de
Julho; per hr US$ 1.75; a) Open late.
Speed Cyber Café (Rua dos Andradas 408; per hr
US$1; a)
Unimed (%3633-4431; Av Japurá 241)
Amazônia Cambio e Turismo (Av Sete de Setembro
1251; h9am-5pm Mon-Fri, to noon Sat) Changes euros,
US dollars and traveler’s checks.
Bradesco (Av Eduardo Ribeiro)
HSBC (Rua Dr Moreira 226) 24-hour ATMs.
Main post office (Rua Marcílio Dias 160)
Amazonastur airport (%0800-280-8820, 3652-1120);
Centro de Atendimento ao Turista (CAT; %3622-0767; Av
Eduardo Ribeiro); Estação Hidroviário (%3233-8698; inside
PAC) Also at the bus station.
Dangers & Annoyances
At the airport, avoid the vultures touting jungle
trips or city accommodations. Some have
reportedly hustled people off to be robbed.
After 11pm steer clear of the port area and the
Praça da Matriz. If arriving late by boat, take a
taxi to a hotel – muggings are common.
The cozy 19th-century Teatro Amazonas (admission
US$5; h9am-8:30pm Mon-Sat) captures the opulence
of the rubber boom. English-speaking
guides are available or Livro Vivo, a theatrical
group, does fun living-history tours inPortuguese. Catch a show – free ones are on
Sunday afternoons. The square out front hosts
free cultural presentations most nights.
The Museu de Ciências Naturais da Amazônia
(Estrada Belém s/n, Colônia Cachoeira Grande; admission US$6;
h9am-noon, 2-5pm Mon-Sat) displays preserved
regional animals, fish and insects (amazing
butterflies and beetles). The collection is small
but excellent, and it’s satisfying to get a good
look at the unique wildlife. Take bus 519 from
Praça da Matriz, or onward from the Bosque
da Ciência. Follow the ‘Museu’ signs from the
stop (10-minute walk).
The tranquil Bosque da Ciência (Forest of Science;
Rua Otávio Cabral; admission US$1; h9am-4pm Tue-Sun)
has contained giant otters, manatees, caimans,
and free-roaming turtles, monkeys, sloths and
other creatures on 130 sq km of rainforest.
Take bus 519 from the Praça da Matriz.
The Museu do Homem do Norte (Av Sete de Setembro
1385; admission US$1.50; h9am-noon & 1-5pm Mon-
Fri) has anthropological displays on regional
peoples, especially the riverbank-dwelling
caboclos. The ornate Palácio Rio Negro (Av Sete
de Setembro 1546; admission free; h10am-5pm Tue-Fri,
4-8pm Sat) is a rubber baron’s mansion turned
cultural center that hosts temporary art exhibits
and concerts.
There are Bumba Meu Boi festival rehearsals
at the sambódromo on Fridays and Saturdays
from September to June. Ask Amazonastur
for details.
The Encontro das águas (Meeting of the Waters)
is where the dark Rio Negro meets the café
au lait Rio Solimões. The two flow side by
side without mingling for several kilometers
(owing to differences in speed, density and
temperature), before finally combining to
create the Amazon River. Many jungle trips
include the Encontro, but if yours doesn’t, see
it by either hiring a boat with the Associação
dos Canoeiros ( p392 ), or by traveling from
Ponta do Catalão, 12km east of the center, to
Careiro. Take bus 713 from Praça da Matriz to
Ponta do Catalão (last stop) and either take a
motorboat (US$3, 40 minutes) or the hourly
car ferry (free). Careiro is a quaint village and
worth a look around.
Most of Manaus’ budget accommodations are
very low quality. Near the Teatro Amazonas
is the ideal location.
Pensão Sulista (%3234-5814; Av Joaquim Nabuco 347;
s/d US$10/15; a) A tenementlike, super basic
option in a rather charming old building.
High ceilings.
Hotel Ideal (%3622-0038; Rua dos Andradas 491; s/d
US$11/16.50; a) Ideal is a multistory block of
plain rooms coated in gray and white highgloss
paint. Request a window. A little sterile,
but eons better than run-down options in its
price bracket. Surrounded by other budget
Hostel Manaus (%3233-4545; www.hostelmanaus
.com; Rua Lauro Cavalcante 231; dm US$11.50) This Australian-
owned hostel was just opening during
research. In a converted home with guest-use
Hotel Dez de Julho (%3232-6280; www.hoteldezdeju
lho.com; Rua 10 de Julho 679; s/d US$25/27.50; a) Behind
a spacious, proper lobby this four-story hotel
stacks a variety of simple rooms with updated
fixtures and two patios with tropical murals.
Can be noisy. Cheaper and inferior option
next door.
Hotel Palace (%3622-4622/4623; www.hotelpalace
.brasilcomercial.com; Av 7 de Setembro 593; s/d US$32.50/42.50;
a) A green, ornate, early-20th-century facade
shields large, bright rooms with wooden furniture.
Bathrooms are small and circa 1950.
Quietest rooms face the plaza.
Praça Heliodoro Balbí and Praça São Sebastião
are good places to find food at night and on
Sundays. Try tacacá (a gummy soup made
from manioc root, dried shrimp and tonguetingling
jambu leaves) at street stalls.
Skina dos Sucos (cnr Av Eduardo Ribeiro & Rua 24 de Maio;
sandwiches & snacks US25¢-$4) This busy lunch counter
serves sandwiches and snacks. A great place
for fresh Amazonian fruit juices like açaí.
Gruta do Peixe (Rua Saldanha Marinho 609; per kg
US$5.50, mains US$7) Lunchtime finds this bright,
grotto-like basement crowded and a little
smoky from the meats barbecued in the back.
Known for fish.
Casa da Pamonha (Rua Barroso 375; per kg US$9; a)
Unlike the dining room, the vegetarian lunch
buffet is creative and flavorful. Arrive close
to noon for the best selection. Snacks served
all day.
Galo Carijó (cnr Rua dos Andradas & Rua Pedro Botelho;
mains for 2 US$10-17) It’s all about fried fish at this
low-key spot.
Mandarim (Rua Joaquim Sarmento 224; per kg US$11,
mains US$7-9; a) This Chinese restaurant hasa lunch buffet with Chinese, Japanese and
Brazilian dishes.
Churrascaria Búfalo (Av Joaquim Nabuco 628; per person
US$20; a) Despite the neighborhood, an
upscale crowd flocks to Búfalo for a classy
lunch and dinner rodízio (all-you-can-eat),
which consists of an extensive buffet (including
sushi!) and meats brought to the table on
skewers. Bufolete, the per-kilo (US$11.50)
version, is right next door.
The area surrounding the Teatro Amazonas
is the center’s best area to hang out, for adults
and kids alike. On Friday and Saturday nights,
Praça da Polícia and Praça da Saudade fill with
people and snack and drink stands.
Ponta Negra (13km from the center) has
some bars and restaurants on a sort of riverfront
promenade. Many of Manaus’ cool
nightspots sit on the Estrada de Ponta Negra
just before this area.
Coração Blue (Estrada de Ponta Negra 3701, Ponta Negra) A
dance club with different music every night.
Aomirante (Rua Padre Agostinho Caballero, Santo Antonio)
Known for its reggae night on Sunday.
Tulipa Negra (Rua Recife 2515, Flores; hThu-Sat) Has
live rock, and sometimes blues.
Mercado Municipal (h6am-6pm Mon-Sat, to noon Sun)
The sprawling, cast-iron, art nouveau mercado
opened in 1882. Shop here for Amazonian
herbal remedies and crafts.
Mamirauá (Rua 10 de Julho 495) Sells high-quality
baskets and mats.
Getting There & Away
Gol, Meta, Rico, TAF, TAM, Total, Trip and
Varig operate domestic flights from Manaus.
LAB connects Manaus to Latin America and
Miami, and TAM has direct flights to Miami.
Smaller airlines use Terminal 2, ‘Eduardinho,’
about 600m east of Terminal 1.
Large passenger boats use the Estação Hidroviária
(aka Porto Flutuante). Inside, Agência
Rio Amazonas sells tickets on behalf of most
boats. Guys on the street may sell cheaper
tickets, but if something goes wrong you’ll be
on your own. For hammocks try Casa das Redes
(Rua Rocha dos Santos). See the boxed text ( p379 )
for information and tips.
Destination Duration Cost (US$) Frequency
Belém 3½ days upper/lower deck Wed & Fri
Porto Velho 4 days upper/lower deck Tue & Fri
Santarém 30-36 hr upper/lower deck Tue-Sat
Tabatinga 6½ days upper deck Tue, Wed,
134 Fri & Sat
AJATO runs fast boats to Tabatinga (US$150,
34 hours) on Tuesday from the Porto Manaus
Moderna, which is also where tickets are sold.
At press time its service to Santarém had been
suspended. Travelers report fast boats to be
too fast to be pleasant.
Five daily buses run to Boa Vista (US$40 to
US$45, 12 hours, five daily). A direct daily
bus to Caracas, Venezuela (US$114, 36 hours)
that stops in Santa Elena de Uairén (US$71,
16 hours) and Puerto La Cruz (US$103, 32
hours) usually only runs in the summer.
Road travel south to Porto Velho has been
suspended indefinitely.
Getting Around
All buses to the center pass the Praça da
Matriz, loop up on Av Floriano Peixoto, and
either head right on Av Sete de Setembro or
straight on Av Getúlio Vargas. City buses and
downtown streets get super congested around
1pm to 2pm and 5pm to 7pm.

Jungle Trips
Many visitors to Amazonia expect to see
wildlife close enough to take magazinequality
photos and meet spear-toting indigenous
people just outside Manaus. This just
isn’t possible. The vegetation is too thick, animals
are too shy and the cultural gap too great.
(To visit ‘unacculturated’ communities, you’ll
need an expedition of a week or more.) On a
typical trip, you are likely to glimpse pink and
gray river dolphins, crocodiles, monkeys and
plenty of birds including macaws and toucans.
Sloths are relatively common. Manatees, anacondas
and jaguars are extremely hard to spot.
Expect to get a sense of how these animalsmove and where they hang out. The more
remote, unpopulated and pristine the area,
the better wildlife-viewing will be.
While anything’s possible, the typical jungle
trip is two to four days. Common activities
include piranha fishing, nighttime crocodilespotting,
an informational jungle walk, a visit
to a local home and a night of jungle camping.
Canoeing through igarapés (channels connecting
rivers) and igarapós (flooded forests) –
which have more flora and fauna than channels
and rivers – is a priority. This is one
reason the high-water period (roughly March
to July) is the best time to visit.
‘White’ rivers, like the Lago Mamorí region,
tend to have a higher density of animals than
‘black’ ones, like the Rio Negro. But they also
have more mosquitoes and somewhat thicker
vegetation, which inhibits wildlife-viewing.
Things to consider while researching
_ Your guide’s proficiency in your common
_ Amount of guide’s experience in trip’s
_ Group size.
_ Ratio of travel time to time spent at the
_ Amount of non-motorized boat/canoe
_ Availability of lifejackets.
_ The cost breakdown for nontypical trips.
You’ll need sturdy shoes or boots, long pants, a
long-sleeved shirt, a raincoat, insect repellent,
a flashlight and a water bottle. High-power
binoculars really improve the experience.
You’ll need at least 4L of bottled water per
person per day. Bring your passport.
You name it, it’s happened on a jungle trip
outside Manaus. Consider that you are placing
your personal safety in another’s hands in an
unknown, often isolated, natural environment.
It’s best to use agencies or guides registered
with Amazonastur (see p389). Personally
verify registration status as some agencies
display outdated or revoked certification.
Using a registered agency or guide means having
a better chance of being refunded should
something go wrong, and having recourse to
prevent others from having the same experience.
If using an unregistered agency or guide,
check out its reputation. Women should consider
being part of a group of three or more to
avoid being alone remotely with a guide.
Manaus has more scammers on the make than
possibly anywhere in Brazil. Before handing
anyone cash for a jungle trip, personally visit
the office of the tour agency they represent. If
they are indeed an authorized vendor, they will
still receive their commission. As the industry
has become more competitive, scammers have
gone so far as to create false IDs and receipts,
fake confirmation phone calls to agencies, and
falsely represent or impersonate guides and
agencies listed in guidebooks. These scammers
are most often at the airport, but also work
on the street and at hotel receptions. Hotel
receptionists earn side commissions by giving
out room information.
Manaus has scores of agencies offering Disneyland-
esque tours; those listed below are
recommended budget options offering a more
genuine and adventurous experience. Some
agencies have a minimum-group-size requirement
to set out, while others maintain a constant
flow of clients in and out of a set spot.
Yet other agencies pool their clients. Agencies
can set up almost anything, but most have
expertise in a certain geographical area. Fees
should be all-inclusive (lodging, meals, drinking
water, transfers, activities, and guides).
Unless the agency is very well established,
insist on paying a portion of the fee up front,
and the rest upon return.
Take some time to research the options.
Many well-seasoned travelers have left
Manaus disappointed with their once-in-alifetime
Amazon jungle experience because
they rushed booking the trip.
Amazonas Indian Turismo (%0xx92-3633-5578;
www.amazonasindianturismo.tur.br; Rua dos Andradas 311,
Centro) The office and the English-speaking Indian
guides just feel like the real deal, and the
client-response book is positively exuberant. Its
rustic camp on the Rio Urubú has hammocks
and latrines. Three-day, two-night trips run
US$223 per person. Trips from two to 9 days.
Amazon Gero Tours (%0xx92-3232-4755; www.ama
zongerotours.com; Rua 10 de Julho 679, Centro) This agency
is run by English-speaking guides and piloted
Gero, an all-around helpful guy. Typical trips
are to Lago Mamori, Lago Ararinha and Cutrapa
and run US$90 to US$110 per person pernight. Bed or hammock accommodation and
flush toilets are available. Honest and flexible.
Iguana Turismo (www.amazonbrasil.com.br) Hotel Dez
de Julho (%0xx92-3633-6507; Rua 10 de Julho 669, Centro);
Hotel Rio Branco (%0xx92-3248-3211; Rua dos Andrades 474,
Centro) Iguana’s typical trip to Lago Juma runs
US$90 per person per night. Comfortable
hammock or cabin accommodation with flush
toilets is located next to Guyanese owner
Gerry Hardy’s riverfront home. His wife and
her family are from the area and staff the
lodge. Great for custom trips.
Mamori Adventure Camping (%0xx92-9184-
8452/8123-3744; vicenteguidetour*песик*hotmail.com) If you
are looking to trek and camp deep in the jungle,
Vicente and David are your guys. Friendly
and English speaking.
Brazilian Safaris (%0xx92-8112-7154; www.brazil
iansafaris.com; Rua 10 de Julho 632, Centro) Guyanese
Munaf ‘Steve’ Roman’s agency offers trips to
Lago Tucunaré anywhere from three days/two
nights to seven days/six nights for US$60 per
person per night. Riverboat or combination
lodge/riverboat trips are available. Avoid his
‘swim with and feed the dolphins’ tours – they
are disruptive to the dolphins’ natural habits.
Associação dos Canoeiros (Estação Hidroviária) This association
of independent, licensed boatmen is
run by English-speaking Antonio Franco. They
often sport green jackets and yellow badges
and hang around the Estação Hidroviária’s
entrance. They can arrange anything from a
two-day river trip to 15-day overland journey
to Guyana and Venezuela. A jungle trip for a
group of three or four runs US$175 per day.
Accommodation is with local families.
Within 250km of Manaus are at least two
dozen jungle lodges – waterside hotels ranging
from rustic (hammocks) to luxurious
(suites). Visits are normally by (somewhat
costly) packages that include activities. As
many agencies are affiliated with or run their
own lodge, it can be a very fine line between
low-budget jungle trips and jungle lodges.
Acajatuba Jungle Lodge (%0xx92-3642-0358/0378;
www.acajatuba.com.br; Rua 7 87, Adrianópolis; 1-/2-night packages
per person US$225/305) The lodge has 20 round
bungalows on stilts on Lago Acajatuba.
Amazon Eco-Lodge (%0xx92-3656-6033; www.nat
uresafaris.com; Rua Flavio Espirito Santo 1, Kissia II, Manaus; 4-day
& 3-night packages per 2 people US$500) A small floating
lodge on Lago Juma, 60km southeast of Manaus,
this lovely lodge caters to 28 guests.

Сообщение отредактировал Torchon: 25 мая 2012 - 14:24

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